Contact lens solutions - what's the difference?
There are many factors that work together to create success with your contact lenses. Your eye doctor selects the right lens from...

Your eyes are tired - get some sleep!
Sleep is one of the body’s most basic necessities. Study after study demonstrates the importance of sleep to our physical, mental and...

Dry eyes and allergies - OTC eye drop recommendations
It's allergy season with high ragweed and mold levels. You go to the eye drop section of your favorite store and have no idea what to...

What am I seeing?
Do you ever look at a bright white wall, computer screen or up at the sky and see squiggly lines or translucent dots in your vision? They...

Eye problem? See an eye doctor!
The surface of the eye is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Any of these unfortunate events can ruin your day: Bacterial or...

Change your contact lens case!
Your contact lens case should be changed at least every 2 months. While your multipurpose contact lens solutions like OptiFree, BioTrue...